How To Donate, Recycle, And Dispose Of Old Furniture


Deciding what to do with old furniture can be a challenge. Whether you’re upgrading, downsizing, or simply decluttering, finding a responsible way to dispose of unwanted pieces is important. This article will guide you through the process of donating, recycling, and disposing of old furniture, offering tips for preparation and discussing the benefits of each option.

Donating Old Furniture

Charitable Organizations

Donating your old furniture to a charitable organization is a great way to give it a new lease on life while supporting a good cause. Many organizations, such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Habitat for Humanity ReStore, accept furniture donations and sell them at a discounted price to support their programs. Be sure to check each organization’s donation guidelines and drop-off locations before proceeding.

Community Centers and Shelters

Another option for donating furniture is to contact local community centers or homeless shelters. These facilities often have a need for furniture items to support their programs and provide a comfortable environment for their users. Reach out to organizations in your area to inquire about their specific needs and donation procedures.

Schools and Nonprofits

Some schools and nonprofit organizations may also accept furniture donations for use in their facilities or for fundraising events. Contact local schools, community centers, or nonprofit organizations to ask if they’re in need of furniture and what their donation process entails.

Recycling Old Furniture

Curbside Recycling Programs

Depending on your local waste management services, you may be able to recycle your old furniture through a curbside recycling program. Check with your city or town’s waste management department for guidelines on acceptable items and the pickup schedule for bulk waste.

Furniture Recycling Centers

Furniture recycling centers specialize in processing and repurposing furniture items. These centers often accept a variety of materials, from wood and metal to textiles and plastics. Search online for a nearby furniture recycling center and review their accepted items and drop-off procedures.

Repurposing and Upcycling

Get creative and give your old furniture a new purpose through repurposing or upcycling. Transform a dresser into a bookshelf, a coffee table into an ottoman, or an old bed frame into a garden bench. With some imagination and a little DIY know-how, you can breathe new life into your old furniture and reduce waste in the process.

Disposing of Old Furniture

Municipal Waste Collection Services

If your furniture is too damaged for donation or recycling, consider using municipal waste collection services for disposal. Many cities and towns offer bulk waste collection on specific dates or by appointment. Check your local waste management website for information on scheduling and guidelines for disposing of large furniture items.

Furniture Removal Companies

Hiring a furniture removal company is another option for disposing of old furniture. These companies specialize in hauling away large items and can save you time and effort. Be sure to research and compare different companies to find one that offers eco-friendly disposal methods, such as recycling or donating items when possible.

Landfills and Transfer Stations

In some cases, taking your old furniture to a landfill or transfer station may be the most practical disposal option. Before heading to the landfill, check their guidelines for furniture disposal and any associated fees. Keep in mind that utilizing landfills should be a last resort, as this option contributes to environmental waste.

Tips for Preparing Furniture for Donation or Recycling

Assessing the Condition of Your Furniture

Before donating or recycling your furniture, assess its condition. Items that are in good shape, with minimal wear and tear, are ideal for donation. Furniture that is too damaged or stained may not be accepted by charitable organizations but could still be recycled or repurposed.

Cleaning and Repairing Items

Give your furniture a thorough cleaning and make any necessary repairs before donating or recycling. This not only increases the likelihood of the item being accepted but also ensures it can be used by its new owner with minimal effort.

Disassembling Larger Pieces

If your furniture is large or bulky, consider disassembling it into smaller parts before donating or recycling it. This can make transportation easier and reduce the risk of damage during transit. Be sure to keep all hardware and assembly instructions together, so the item can be reassembled with ease.

Benefits of Donating, Recycling, and Proper Disposal

Donating, recycling, and properly disposing of old furniture offer numerous benefits, including:

  1. Supporting charitable organizations and their programs.
  2. Reducing waste and conserving resources by repurposing or recycling materials.
  3. Providing affordable furniture options for individuals and families in need.
  4. Minimizing environmental impact by reducing landfill waste.
  5. Encouraging a circular economy, where items are reused and repurposed instead of discarded.


Donating, recycling, and disposing of old furniture responsibly is an essential part of maintaining a sustainable lifestyle. By considering various options and taking the time to prepare your items, you can ensure that your old furniture finds a new home, gets repurposed, or is disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. In doing so, you’ll be contributing to a cleaner environment and supporting those in need.


Where can I donate my old furniture?

Charitable organizations, community centers, shelters, schools, and nonprofits are potential options for furniture donations. Be sure to check each organization’s specific guidelines and drop-off locations.

How do I recycle my old furniture?

You can recycle furniture through curbside recycling programs, furniture recycling centers, or by repurposing and upcycling the items yourself.

What should I do if my furniture is too damaged for donation or recycling?

If your furniture is too damaged for donation or recycling, consider utilizing municipal waste collection services, hiring a furniture removal company, or taking the items to a landfill or transfer station. Remember that using landfills should be a last resort due to their environmental impact.

How do I prepare my furniture for donation or recycling?

Assess the condition of your furniture, clean and repair items as needed, and disassemble larger pieces if necessary. Keep hardware and assembly instructions together for ease of reassembly.

Why should I donate, recycle, or properly dispose of old furniture?

Donating, recycling, and properly disposing of old furniture supports charitable organizations, reduces waste, conserves resources, provides affordable furniture options for those in need, minimizes environmental impact, and encourages a circular economy.